(For non-university events or sponsorships using outside entities)
Non-university users or sponsorships using outside entities of university buildings, facilities, and grounds are presumptively required to provide proof of insurance and endorsement of the university as an additional insured prior to using any facilities. When UT is the sole sponsor of the event, the following may not apply. Event Sponsorship request forms needing to be filled out and approved at least 30 days in advance by the Event Sponsorship Committee.
Users that do not have a current insurance policy may contact the insurance company of their choice, State of Utah Risk Management underwrites a commercial insurance program to provide event insurance. Current information on this insurance is available from Fred A. Moreton & Company.
The following Decision Matrix will be used as a guideline only to determine if proof of insurance is needed for an event. Event insurance certificates will be for at least the government immunity act amount but preferred $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate listing UT as and additional insured.